また、幾つかの地方都市が、製造業や商業の拠点として機能しています。東部のアバは布地、靴、かばん、洋服の現地生産。同じく東部のネウィは、ヤシ油、化粧品、モーターやオートバイの部品製造と組み立て。北部のカノは織物、陶磁器、木彫り、皮革製品、綿、農業製品。 南部のポートハーコートは、原油および天然ガス関連事業で有名です。
ラゴスのスラングで「go slow」と表される渋滞が始まると、特有の風景が展開されます。商品を頭に載せたり、胸や手に商品を結び付けた物売りが、車間を素早く動き回り、おなかをすかせた運転手に物を売り始めるのです。
飲み物や食べ物だけではありません。本やサングラス、電球、サンダル、電気湯沸かし器、携帯電話、おもちゃなど、何でも買うことができます。中には、頭痛と全ての病気を治すとうたった薬など、眉唾なものも交じっています。大型トラックやバスなどが来ると、押し売り状態になり、時にはバスに乗り込んで商売をすることもあります。巨大な市場へと変貌する「go slow」は、ナイジェリア全土に広く浸透しています。
これもイモの一種。粘り気はヤムとほぼ同じですが、毒抜きが必要なのでご注意を。ナイジェリアでは、年間に5,500万t (世界最高)も栽培され、1億8,300万人の人口の半数以上が食べています。水に漬けて冷たいまま、あるいは熱湯に溶いてタピオカとして使われます。
いかがですか? 各国にもナイジェリア料理のお店があるかと思いますが、やはり現地で楽しむのが一番。ぜひお越しください!
Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha (Nigeria)
Bambo Adebowale, Innocent Eluagu, Osinaike Zainab
In 1969, Mitsubishi Corporation establishedMitsubishi Shoji Kaisha (Nigeria) in Lagos inorder to develop business in Nigeria and Ghana,West Africa's two largest economies. Our office,which currently has 12 staff members, opensearly in an attempt to avoid rush hour traffic inLagos, where a four-hour commute (roundtrip)is common.
From our office on the 15th floor, we have aclear view of the 25㎢ land reclamation projectcalled EKO Atlantic. The project, which includesthe construction of offices and condominiums, isa symbol of the region's economic development.By 2020, the area anticipates having some250,000 residents, along with a daily inflow of150,000 commuters.
In 2020, Nigeria's population is expected to hit206 million. At the same time, it is projected tohave the world's 20th largest economy in termsof nominal GDP (as of 2016, Nigeria's economywas 27th ahead of all other African countries,including Egypt (32nd) and South Africa (39th)).With oil prices continuing to slump, Nigeriaposted negative economic growth in 2016 forthe first time in a long time. However, theeconomy has shown signs of a rebound, withpositive growth recorded again in 2017.Expectations are high under the administrationof President Muhammadu Buhari, as VicePresident Yemi Osinbajo moves forward withinitiatives to improve the business climatethrough efforts that include reforms of customsand immigration procedures.
Located on the West coast of Africa, Nigeria isthe continent's largest oil producer. In additionto crude oil and natural gas, the country is alsoblessed with many other natural resources,including tin, iron, ore, limestone, lead and zinc.With approximately 183 million people, Nigeriais Africa's most populous country and the 7thlargest in the world, leading it to be called the“Giant of Africa”.
Nigeria is a highly diverse country, with manyethnic groups. The three major ethnic groupsare Hausa (29%, primarily in the North), Yoruba(21%, primarily in the West) and Igbo (18%primarily in the East). However, when smallerethnic groups are included, the total numberexceeds 300. English is the official language, butmore than 520 other languages are also spokenthroughout the country.
When fielding candidates, political partiesalways choose candidates for president and vicepresident from different regions, and keypolitical positions are usually not left in thecontrol of a single ethnic group. For instance,currently, the president is from the North, thevice president from the West, the senatepresident from Central Nigeria and the lowerhouse speaker from the East. In addition, federalministers are appointed from each state.
Economically, Nigeria is largely dependent onimports of finished goods and raw materials.Lagos, the former national capital, is thecountry's biggest economic center, with apopulation of around 22 million and a GDP ofUS$ 91 billion (roughly 20% of Nigeria's overallGDP). Lagos also accounts for 65% ofmanufacturing activity and 90% of Nigeria'sforeign trade. Most of the country's commercialbanks, financial institutions and majorcorporations have their headquarters on LagosIsland or the adjacent Victoria Island, whereMitsubishi Shoji Kaisha (Nigeria) is located.
Some other Nigerian cities function asmanufacturing or commercial hubs. Located inthe East, Aba is a center for the production oftextiles, shoes, bags, clothing and other goods.Nnewi, also in the East, is an industrial andcommercial center known for palm oil andcosmetics, as well as manufacturing andassembly of motors and motorcycle spare parts.Core industries of Kano, in the North, includeweaving, pottery, wood carving, leather work,cotton and agriculture. Port Harcourt, in theSouth, is known for crude oil and gas relatedbusiness.
The population in Lagos is growing rapidly,outpacing the growth of infrastructure and thetransport system. In Lagos, the decisions youmake every day are often dominated by thequestion of whether traffic conditions will makethem feasible or not.
No one wants to be far from home after 4 pmbecause much of the city becomes frenzied withtraffic. Lagos is split between the mainland,where the vast majority of people live, and theisland, where businesses are concentrated, andthe two sides are connected by a 12 km bridge.Without traffic, the drive would take about 15minutes, but during peak traffic periods, it couldtake three hours or more.
When traffic jams, or “go slows” as they arecalled locally, begin in Lagos, street vendersjump into action, darting between cars withgoods on their heads or strapped to their chestsand arms, selling items to frustrated and hungrymotorists. They sell more than just food anddrinks; you can buy everything from books,sunglasses, lightbulbs and sandals, to electrickettles, mobile phones and toys. Some hawkerssell all-purpose medicines, including thosepromising to simultaneously cure headachesand all other health problems. Big trucks andbuses attract a lot of attention from venders,who may sell inside as well as outside vehicles.The “go slows” turn the road into a marketplace.This type of roadside-selling is prevalent acrossNigeria.
Guests staying at hotels on Lagos or VictoriaIsland are advised to leave for the internationalairport on the mainland about 4 to 5 hoursbefore their flight departs. The long drive willlikely go better if you get something to eatbefore setting off for the airport.
Nigeria is an expansive country with more than300 ethnic groups two major religions and aland mass of roughly 923,000 square miles. Thecountry's great diversity is reflected in itscuisine, and the combinations of dishes andingredients are almost limitless. Still, most mealsare based on certain staples, including tuberssuch as yams and cassavas, and grains such asrice, millet, maize and sorghum.
Nigerian soups are almost always made withtomatoes and palm or peanut oil. Beef, chickenand fish are optional, though some dishes mayeven contain all three. Go West in Nigeria andyou will discover flavorful soups with lots ofspices and chili peppers. Head East and you willfind more green, leafy ingredients, such asspinach, mint and bitter leaf. Go North, intoonion-growing country, and the amount ofonions used there could start one's eyeswatering. Fresh milk and yoghurt are alsopopular among the Northerners. You will alsocome across many dishes made from millet,maize and sorghum. In Southern Nigeria, mealstypically feature tubers, accompanied by a soup.Dishes are eaten by hand so as to enjoy “thefull flavor”.
Yams are boiled, roasted or fried, and can beeaten as a snack bought from a street corner oras a main course accompanied by an omelet ora sauce with chunks of meat.
Cassavas are much like yams in consistency, butnot quite as forgiving since they containelements of cyanide that need to be extractedbefore being eaten. However, this does notdiscourage Nigeria from growing a worldleading55 million metric tons of cassava eachyear, and more than half of the country's 183million people eat the tuberous root, which issoaked in water and eaten cold or mixed withhot water and consumed as tapioca.
In addition to plain white rice, you'll often findthat rice is paired with a prefix describing itsflavor. “Coconut”, “jollof”, and “designer” are allnames of popular rice dishes. There is a healthyrivalry between Nigeria, Ghana and Senegalover which country makes the best jollof rice.Top government officials have stirred the debateby trading barbs on television.
Spicy “pepper soups” are common, includingthose made using catfish or assorted goat meat,together with tripe and cowhide. Other localfavorites include cowhide dishes, popularlyknown as “ponmo” or “show boy”, andbarbequed strips of meat on skewers called“suya”.
Alcohol is popular in the South and West, butnot in Northern Nigeria, due to religiousreasons.
The most popular form of local alcohol, palmwine is made using sap drained from raffia trees.Initially a sweet liquid, it becomes sour whenfermented and usually has an alcohol content ofaround 4%. In the Eastern Region, palm wine isused as part of the marriage ceremony and intraditional religion rites.
A gin-like drink, “ogogoro” is made by distillingpalm wine. The alcohol content ranges from 30to 60%. It can also be mixed with local herbs tomake “healthy drinks”.
Popular in restaurants and social events, thiscocktail is made with orange juice, blackcurrantcordial, grenadine syrup, soft drinks andAngostura bitters. A cucumber slice may also beadded for extra flavor.
Made by boiling dried roselle flowers (the mainingredient of hibiscus tea) with pineapple andginger, this drink is best served chilled.
So have you begun to work up an appetite? Nigerian restaurants can be found in many countries around the world, but it is hard to
beat the authentic taste of these dishes made here in Nigeria. Please visit us and try them for yourselves!