ビールと音楽の国 チェコ共和国

豊田通商ヨーロッパ チェコ支店
リボル・シュテフェック(Libor Šteffek)



(Prague Castle and Vltava River)



自動車産業はチェコの豊田通商ヨーロッパ(Toyota Tsusho Europe SA)の事業活動にとっても最大の要所である。同社は2001年にチェコに進出し、以降、順調に発展してきた。立ち上げ当初は2-3人であった従業員数も今では300人を数え、前年度の売上高は5億ユーロ余りを達成し、チェコで最大規模を誇る自動車事業・サービス企業に成長した。

豊田通商ヨーロッパのチェコ支店には、自動車グローバル部品をはじめ、物流、機械、金属、化学品、プラスチック、保険などの事業部門がある。2年ほど前まではエレクトロニクス部門もあったが分社化して、現在はネクスティエレクトロニクスとなっている。チェコ支店は豊田通商の欧州支店の中では最も規模が大きく、また、その高い水準は、チェコ自動車工業会から認められ「Companyof the Year」を授与された。当社はこれまでにも200社以上の企業の中から選ばれ、幾度となく賞を獲得している。

(Astronomical Clock)








(Charles Bridge and Prague Castle)

チェコを訪れたなら、ビールだけでなく名物料理を味わうことをお勧めする。最も有名な伝統料理といえば、バラエティー豊富なゆでパン(クネドリーキ)と肉を組み合わせた料理である。例えば、スライスしたサーロインに特製ソース、ゆでパン、クランベリージャムを添えたスヴィチュコヴァー(Svíčková)、ローストポークにザワークラフトとゆでパンを添えたヴェプショヴァー・ベチェニェ(Vepřová pečeně)、ローストしたカモ肉に紫キャベツとゆでパンを添えたペチェナー・カフナ(Pečená kachna)を試していただきたい。他にはチーズのフライにフライドポテトとタルタルソースを添えたスマジェニー・スィール(Smažený sýr) もお勧めだ。訪れた際にはチェコならではの名物料理をぜひご堪能いただきたい。

(Pečená kachna)(Duck with red cabbage and dumplings)

The Czech Republic

By Libor Šteffek

The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe, which, thanks to its location, is often referred to as the “heart of Europe”. It borders with Germany in the west, Poland in the north, Austria in the south and Slovakia in the east. The independent Czech Republic has existed in its present form since 1993 and had previously formed a common state with its eastern neighbor for several decades. Many of you still remember it to this day under the name Czechoslovakia. However, in 1993, Czechoslovakia split and formed two independent states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Czech Republic has a population of 10.6 million and its capital, Prague, has 1.3 million inhabitants.

The Czech Republic is most famous for its beer. Not surprisingly, this country is far ahead of the countries with the highest per capita beer consumption per year in the world. Last year, 138 liters of beer per year per Czech were consumed, followed by Austria and Germany with 105 and 101 liters respectively. This fact was also reflected in the decision of the Japanese company Asahi Breweries, which decided to buy the largest Czech brewery Plzeňský Prazdroj (Pilsner Urquell) a few years ago together with another 11 breweries in several European countries and built its European headquarters in Prague. By the way, one of the other famous brands of Czech beer is Budweiser, which most people incorrectly consider to be American beer even though its origin is actually Czech.

The Czech Republic is a very safe country. It has long been among the TOP 10 safest countries in the world. This is one of the factors that attract a large amount of foreign investment into the country. It is certainly not the only factor, as there are many reasons. Among the most important are the position of the Czech Republic, where the largest European market - Germany - is just outside the border, a relatively low level of wages, which reaches only around 40% compared to Germany, EU membership, long-term stable situation and economic growth. Over the last 5 years, it has been growing by 3.3% per year on average. The Czech Republic's economy is very open and strongly proexport. Thanks to these factors, the Czech Republic has the lowest unemployment rate in the whole European Union, which is currently below 3% and at the same time has the lowest poverty rate in the whole Europe according to OECD studies. Although the Czech Republic is a member of the European Union, its currency is not euro, but like some other countries it holds its own currency, the Czech crown. Both politically and economically, the country is very stable and according to the Standard & Poor's rating agency it is rated AA- with a positive outlook for further improvement, which is the highest rating of all Central and Eastern European countries.

The most important sectors of the country include automotive industry, chemical industry and engineering. Especially the automotive industry is very important. In the Czech Republic there are several automobile factories (Toyota, Hyundai, Volkswagen) and thanks to the already mentioned low production costs there are a large number of manufacturing and service companies. In total, almost 1.5 million passenger cars were produced in the Czech Republic in 2018, ranking this country among the top by number of produced cars per person ratio. The most popular brand is Skoda, which is one of the Volkswagen Group carmakers.

The automotive sector has the biggest footprint in the activities of Toyota Tsusho Europe SA in the Czech Republic as well. The company began operating in the Czech Republic in 2001 and has undergone fast and successful development. From a few employees who stood at the beginning of the company, it has grown to today's 300 employees, with annual sales of more than €500 million in the last fiscal year, making it the largest automotive business and service company in the Czech Republic.

The individual sales departments of Toyota Tsusho Europe SA, which are active in the Czech Republic, include, in particular, Automotive Global Parts, Logistics, Machinery, Metal, Chemicals, Plastics and Insurance. Until recently, Electronics department was also a part of the company but it was spinned off into a separate company named Nexty. The Czech branch is the largest among Toyota Tsusho branches in Europe. Its high standard is confirmed by the Company of the Year award, which has been awarded by the Association of the Automotive Industry in the Czech Republic and which our company has won several times in competition with more than 200 other companies.

Japanese companies are a very important part of the economy of the Czech Republic. More than two hundred Japanese companies operate here and Japan is the second largest foreign investor in the Czech Republic (behind Germany). The biggest Japanese companies operating here are Toyota, Denso, Asahi Glass, Daikin, Hitachi, JTEKT, Koito, Koyo, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Toray, Furukawa and many others. Japanese companies often consider the region of Central Europe as a whole and place their headquarters in this area in the Czech Republic. Central European region attracts a significant amount of new investment, as it offers much greater growth opportunities in comparison with Western Europe and it is also a very good place for further expansion to the eastern or southern part of Europe.

The most famous city in the Czech Republic is undoubtedly Prague. This historic city is the destination of a large number of tourists and is the fourth most visited city in Europe after London, Paris and Rome, although it is several times smaller than the other cities. Places such as the Charles Bridge, which was built as early as the fourteenth century and is surrounded by dozens of sculptures that create a special atmosphere, Prague Castle, which is the largest castle complex in the world and is visited every year by about two million people, or Old Town Square with its astronomical clock and moving wooden apostles in the two windows above them, are known all over the world and are popular destinations for tourists at any time of the year.

In terms of weather, climate conditions are relatively mild here and temperatures stay above zero practically throughout the year, only during the coldest months in January and February they can sometimes fall to negative values. If you wonder when is the best time to visit Prague, perhaps I can recommend May. The air temperature during this month is pleasant during the day and is typically around 20-25℃, numbers of tourists are still slightly lower than during vacation months of July and August and trees and other greenery are already fully blooming. Other places frequently visited by tourists include the ancient town of Český Krumlov with its red roofs, the spa town of Karlovy Vary, which hosts a large international film festival, and the historic town of Kutná Hora with its Gothic cathedral. In total, you will find 14 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Cities in the Czech Republic.

One of the advantages of Prague is also relatively good traffic situation. Unlike many other cities, in Prague there are usually no major traffic complications and there is no need to spend a long time traveling by car around the city. Public transport also works quite well and Prague has a dense network of metro, bus and tram lines serving all parts of the city, so you can reach any location in Prague within one hour.

is also the scene of many cultural events. One of them is the Classical Music Festival, which lasts for several weeks and is called the Prague Spring. It is held annually in May and June and is visited by lovers of classical music from all around the world. Czechs have a long tradition in this respect and can boast of many names of composers, of which Antonín Dvořák is probably the best known. The Czechs have always been treated as a nation that is very close to music, and in the past it even became known that “Every Czech is a musician”.

Like other nations, Czechs have their favorite sports. The three most popular include ice hockey, football and tennis. In all three, Czechs had achieved great successes. In ice hockey many can still remember the victory of the Czech team at the Olympics in Nagano, Japan, and the names associated with it as Hasek or Jagr. Football names such as Nedvěd and goalkeeper Petr Čech with his spectacular helmet on his head or tennis players like Lendl, Navrátilová, Plíšková or Kvitová are also concrete proofs of success in this field. In the past, at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, gymnast Věra Čáslavská was also famous for winning several gold medals.

If you go to the Czech Republic, you do not have to worry that you could have trouble with communication here. The local language is Czech, however, the language skills of Czechs have improved significantly in the last two decades and they can speak English very commonly. This is due to the compulsory teaching of English or another foreign language already at elementary and secondary schools, which has been introduced in the 1990s, so the members of the younger and middle generation have already passed this system.

During your stay I recommend to try not only Czech beer but also some dining culinary specialty. The most famous specialties are various kinds of dumplings, combined with meat. For example, try sirloin (in Czech language Svíčková), which is a beef slice of meat with specially prepared sauce, dumplings and cranberries, or pork or duck with cabbage and dumplings. Another specialty is fried cheese, which is usually served with fries and tartar sauce. Enjoy!

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